How to improve Website Loading Speed?

In this blog YelloStack - The leading Website Development Company in Saudi Arabia will share the most useful tips to improve Website Loading speed optimization to boost WordPress or HTML website performance through Search Engine Optimization Services in Saudi Arabia.

We have covered;

1. Why is Loading speed important?

2. What slows down the website loading speed?

3. Actionable insights to improve the website loading speed?


Why is Website loading Speed important?

The website speed makes the first impression about your business. When it comes to user experience,  slow website speed is one of the most frustrating things that will turn people off about your business.

High-performance websites result in 

  • High return visits, 

  • Low bounce rates,

  • Higher conversions, 

  • Engagement, 

  • Higher ranks in organic search and 

  • Better user experience. 

When your site loads slowly you’ll not only provide a poor user experience, but you’ll also rank lower in the search engines. Slow websites will cost you money and damage your reputation. By reducing the page load time you will positively impact marketing and sales processes. You’ll get higher traffic and attract more qualified leads that can be converted into customers. 

Learning how to improve your website loading speed to increase performance, productivity, and trust.

What slows down the website loading speed?

The primary causes for a slow website are:

  • Web Hosting – When your web hosting server is not properly configured it can hurt your website speed.

  • WordPress Configuration – If your WordPress site is not serving cached pages, then it will overload your server thus causing your website to be slow or crash entirely.

  • Code Density - The density of code elements in the CSS, HTML, JAVAScript behind the website design is one of the major causes for website slowdown.

  • Page Size – Mainly images that aren’t optimized for the web.

  • Bad Plugins – If you’re using a poorly coded plugin, then it can significantly slow down your website.

  • External scripts – External scripts such as ads, font loaders, etc can also have a huge impact on your website performance.

Actionable insights to improve the website loading speed?

Improving your site speed doesn’t have to take a lot of additional work. Plus, the benefits you’ll receive from improving your site’s loading speed are well worth the time spent. 

>> Five different ways you can improve the speed of your website.

1. Enable Caching

Whenever you visit a website, certain elements are stored in a cache, so the next time you visit the site you can easily access those parts and load much faster. With caching, instead of your browser having to download every single resource, it only has to download a few of them.

By turning on caching you can considerably improve your site’s loading for repeated visitors. If you’re using a CMS like WordPress you can install a plugin like W3 Total Cache or W3 Super Cache will let you enable sitewide caching, or caching of certain site elements.

2. Remove Resource Plugins and Add-ons

If your site is currently running too many plugins you could potentially be slowing down your website. You might require a handful of website plugins for your site to function the way you like, but chances are there are some you can live without.

The best way to do this is to get a baseline test of your loading speed via a tool like SEMRush or Google Pagespeed Insights. Then, go down your plugin list and deactivate one plugin at a time. Then, run the speed test with the plugin deactivated.

This might be time-consuming, but it will help you find the plugins that are harming your site’s loading speed the most. At that point, you can search for a less resource-heavy plugin or find another workaround.

3. Image Optimization

If your site has tons of images that aren’t optimized, then this will negatively impact your site’s loading speed. By having oversized images you’ll be requiring the browser to load large files. There are a few different ways you can optimize your images to load faster.

Ensure that your images are unnecessarily large. 

  • If you’re using a CMS like WordPress, you can install a plugin like WPSmush that will automatically reduce the filesize of the images.

  • Before you upload images, first run them through a tool called Tiny PNG to reduce the file size of your image, without sacrificing the quality.

4. Minimize Your Code

Sometimes your website’s code can get a little bit messy. When this happens your site will take much longer to load. When you’re making a lot of customizations, using a CMS, or even using a website builder to create your site there will be unnecessary line breaks, spaces, and other elements that don’t need to be there.

  • If you’re using WordPress, then a plugin like Better WordPress Minify will minimize your code. Or, if you’re using one of the caching plugins highlighted above, then there should also be a minify option.

  • If you aren’t using a CMS, you can minify your code by using the Pagespeed Insights Chrome Extension. This extension will create a minimized version of your code, so you can see which version is faster.

  • It’s also a good idea to minify your CSS and Javascript files as well. Even having all of your CSS and Javascript files in one place, instead of multiple different files, will help to speed things along.

5. Use a CDN

The loading speed of your site is affected by the proximity of the user to the server where your site’s files are stored. The farther away they are from this physical location, the slower your site will load. Using a CDN can solve this problem.

A CDN distributes your site’s files across a network of global servers, that way your users can access your site via the server that’s closest to them.

Some solid options for a CDN are CloudFlare and KeyCDN. In some cases, your existing hosting provider might even have the option to utilize a CDN for your site.

Useful tools to Check Page Loading Speed:


Hopefully, the tips above will help to improve website loading speed and boost your overall user experience. Contact YelloStack - The No.1 Digital Marketing Agency in Saudi Arabia offering the best SEO Services in Saudi Arabia

If you have more ways to improve the website loading speed please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments below.


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